Ken, a customer from Tampa, emailed to say how pleased he is with the screen provided by the 9 Graceful bamboos he installed in August 2009. Eager to create a tall, dense screen to hide a noisy A/C unit and provide privacy from neighbors, Ken decided to purchase 7-gal size Gracefuls instead of 3-gal size plants. Bamboos in larger containers have bigger root systems, which can support more culms as well as larger diameter and taller canes.
Sherry and Ralph,
It has been almost a year since we installed the Graceful bamboo I purchased from you. I have enclosed pictures showing the transformation in just 1 year! We are very pleased with the outcome.
August 2009
Three 7-gal Gracefuls were planted about 4′ apart in front of a noisy A/C unit |
The remaining six Gracefuls, also planted about 4′ apart, bordered the fence. Note the narrow planting bed in both pictures. |
One Year Later
July 31, 2010
Where is that annoying A/C unit??? |
And the fence…What fence? It must be behind there somewhere… |
One more view of the entire fence line, including the now-hidden A/C unit |