by Sherry Boas | Aug 5, 2010 | bamboo questions, clumping bamboo, fertilizing, transplanting
A customer from Riverview, Florida who purchased several Green Hedge clumping bamboos (Bambusa multiplex ‘Silverstripe’) emailed to say:About 4 years ago I bought some bamboo from your lovely property. We love it and it did everything you said it would. It...
by Sherry Boas | Apr 18, 2010 | bamboo questions, clumping bamboo, fertilizing, mulch, transplanting, water
A customer from the Orlando area who recently purchased and installed several Blue Timber (Bambusa chungii) clumping bamboos wrote with a few questions:Hi Sherry, How are you? I hope this finds you doing well. I am writing to ask some specific...
by Sherry Boas | Apr 3, 2009 | bamboo, fertilizing, gardening, mulch, water
A customer in Orlando asks:I’ve been reluctant to put down a lot of pine bark so as not to interfere with new canes coming up. Am I being too careful? Inasmuch as I planted the bamboo November 1, am I being too careful in waiting til May 1 to apply Dynamite again? I...