by Sherry Boas | Nov 15, 2009 | plants
Jenny stands next to a mature stand of Hawaiian GoldNew shoots emerge from the ground the same diameter that they will be when mature. No matter what size cane emerges, it will grow to its full height in less than two months. That’s fast enough to...
by Sherry Boas | Nov 14, 2009 | plants
Our daughter, Jenny, peeks through a 3-year-oldstand of Angel Mist. (Photo above and below)Angel Mist culms surrounded by a groundcover of wandering jew and fallen culm covers Below: A close up of a “young” Angel Mist cane New shoots appear...
by Sherry Boas | Nov 24, 2008 | bamboo, bamboo questions, irrigation, plants, water
Customer’s Question:What should be the daily watering schedule after the first 30 days? I’ve been faithful to the twice-daily watering, and the bamboo is doing well. If I can maintain the twice-daily watering for a second month or even through the dry...