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A Message from Sherry


Ralph and I feel very fortunate to have Jennifer helping us at Beautiful Bamboo. She's the person you'll meet when you visit, call or email the nursery. Let Jennifer show you around and answer your questions about which bamboo would best meet your landscaping or bamboo project needs.

Sherry’s Second Book
Photos of Angel Mist Timber Bamboo (Dendrocalamus minor amoenus)
Our daughter, Jenny, peeks through a 3-year-old
stand of Angel Mist.
(Photo above and below)
Angel Mist culms surrounded by a groundcover of wandering jew and fallen culm covers
Below: A close up of a “young” Angel Mist cane
New shoots appear from May through October
Our son, Toby, stands next to a 2-year-old Angel Mist
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A Message from Sherry


Ralph and I feel very fortunate to have Jennifer helping us at Beautiful Bamboo. She's the person you'll meet when you visit, call or email the nursery. Let Jennifer show you around and answer your questions about which bamboo would best meet your landscaping or bamboo project needs.

Sherry’s Second Book