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A Message from Sherry

Sherry Boas

We love to talk about bamboo!

Finding the right bamboo for your landscape or building project can be confusing. If you have questions, we'll do our best to answer them. We can be reached by calling 352-429-2425 phone or by email to: Jennifer@Beautiful


Jennifer Baehne

Ralph and I feel very fortunate to have Jennifer helping us at Beautiful Bamboo. She's the person you'll meet when you visit, call or email the nursery. Let Jennifer show you around and answer your questions about which bamboo would best meet your landscaping or bamboo project needs.

Like us on Facebook where you'll find more information and photos about bamboo!

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If you enjoy reading the Beautiful Bamboo Blog, you'll love the stories in Sherry's two books, Rowing Through The Mist: The Everyday Pleasures of Simply Living and my newest release, Simply Wild: Untamed Wonders Large and Small

Click on image to read excerpts from Sherry's first book

Sherry’s Second Book

Bamboo rainsticks

by | Apr 14, 2011 | bamboo creations, homegrown bamboo poles, poles

Rainsticks made out of our homegrown bamboo poles

Bamboo poles have so many uses but one frequently requested project involves the use of bamboo poles to make rainsticks.  A few months ago, Kari, a customer in Kentucky, had that project in mind when she wrote to say: 

“Hi!  I just found your site on Google.  I am looking for bamboo poles for a homeschool group project.  We are making rainsticks.  Everything I’ve read says I need at least a 3″ diameter by about 2′ long.  (We can cut them here, but if you all can do that, that would save me work!!)  I’m planning on about 25 kids.  There are less, but I’d like some practice and some extras!!  We live in KY, so there would be shipping.  Could you please give me a quote and your best advice?  If you have an idea how to cap them off or what to use on the ends, I would appreciate that, too!!  Thanks!”

Our son Tim was also homeschooled and has made bamboo rainsticks himself.  Tim responded to Kari’s letter:

“Bamboo does make a great rainstick.  When I’ve made them, I used a wooden dowel, or the end node of smaller bamboo, to close the ends.  3” would work well, and we have three different kinds to choose from: our Homegrown poles, imported poles and polished poles.  The polished poles are going to look the most beautiful since the natural oils in the bamboo form a glossy look when cured.  We can cut the poles into 2′ foot sections for a dollar a cut, which would yield you 4 pieces per 8′ pole.  The shipping will be less with the cuts since the packages will be shorter- but for an exact quote I just need a zip code where they are going in KY.”

Kari opted for 2″ diameter homegrown poles (easier for little hands to hold) cut into smaller lengths. When the project was completed, she sent the following pictures:

My rainstick!

Enough bamboo poles to make rainsticks for everyone

Rainsticks are for more than making music…they’re good to lean on too


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A Message from Sherry

Sherry Boas

We love to talk about bamboo!

Finding the right bamboo for your landscape or building project can be confusing. If you have questions, we'll do our best to answer them. We can be reached by calling 352-429-2425 phone or by email to: Jennifer@Beautiful


Jennifer Baehne

Ralph and I feel very fortunate to have Jennifer helping us at Beautiful Bamboo. She's the person you'll meet when you visit, call or email the nursery. Let Jennifer show you around and answer your questions about which bamboo would best meet your landscaping or bamboo project needs.

Like us on Facebook where you'll find more information and photos about bamboo!

Are you enjoying this site?

If you enjoy reading the Beautiful Bamboo Blog, you'll love the stories in Sherry's two books, Rowing Through The Mist: The Everyday Pleasures of Simply Living and my newest release, Simply Wild: Untamed Wonders Large and Small

Click on image to read excerpts from Sherry's first book

Sherry’s Second Book